I’m not a gear guy
I’m not a gear guy. We live in a ski town, and I only own one pair of skis (just ask anyone who lives in a ski town – this is not the norm). I only have two bikes: 1 road and 1 mountain. For quite a while, I’ve been watching YouTube videos and reading websites on the best photo and video modification apps available. Then today, I remembered a conversation we had with a nature photographer, who just happened to be our uber driver on an airport run, back in the days when we used to travel a lot. When I asked him what it took to be a good photographer, he said “right spot at the right time.”

Today I decided that I don’t want to airbrush or sugar coat my photos. We are in the Apple bucket with all our electronic stuff, so I’m just going to (when needed) slightly adjust my photos and edit video with their free gear. So you really see what places/ events look like. No fake news here, folks. Yes, Apple, you can send me new devices or apps to try.
So what does this have to do with traveling, eating good food & trying to reproduce it at home?
A while ago, pre-COVID, we were setting up a conscious safari retreat in Kenya. Shopping for a camera, I wanted something versatile but not too expensive. A camera that I could lend to anyone on our trip without fear of them dropping it into a lion filled gully that we couldn’t get back. A good ,one stop shop, killer photos (no pun intended) with the all care, minimal responsibility factor involved.
I chose a trusty Nikon D3500. Here’s a few pictures taken with it, and our iPhone 6S.

Notice the flying hippo poop. That’s a thing. A hippo fight can last up to three days, and the winner spoils the hippo pond and all the females. The flying poop is part of the game.
Here’s a “streaming” video. Being the end of winter, all the snow melt coming off the hills made for some picturesque views and great natural noises, and Asali does a little video bomb at the end.
Speaking of Asali – – with all the technology in the world, I can’t get a good shot of her, as she sees me trying and comes over for some loving.

Food is an key part of why we travel. Tasting all that we can in other countries is fun, and a good way to experience culture. Food pics help us remember the flavors and challenge us to make the dish when home. Here’s a photo of a Vietnam breakfast. (I’m not a traditional breakfast guy.)
When we visited Rwanda and went gorilla trekking in 2015, I managed to capture this big Silverback male taking a moment to enjoy his lunch, while keeping his eye on us human interlopers during our hour with he and his family.
I guess the photographer guy was right – it really is the right spot at the right time.