5 minute travel

  • Japan inspired sushi crab bowl

    After coming back from our trip to Japan, where we enjoyed a LOT of sushi and other amazing food, we were motivated to add a Japanese “go to” in our cooking at home.…

  • I’m not a gear guy

    I’m not a gear guy. We live in a ski town, and I only own one pair of skis (just ask anyone who lives in a ski town – this is not the…

  • Margaritas

    Yesterday was National Tequila Day. (Living in Utah, July 24 is Pioneer Day, so we missed it and are celebrating a day late!) We’ve been lucky enough to go to Jalisco and mosey…

  • Fried Rice

    Watching cooking shows is good for inspiration. Two of our current favorites are #SomebodyFeed Phil and #TheChefShow, both on Netflix.  We watched Asian segments where they’re cooking fried rice on both recently. Fried…

  • 5 minute travel

    Crazy time to start a travel & food blog, right? With most of the restaurants in the world only able to do take out (or take away, depending on your country) and countries…