5 minute travel

Crazy time to start a travel & food blog, right? With most of the restaurants in the world only able to do take out (or take away, depending on your country) and countries on lock down, with borders closed, or requiring quarantine upon entry, most of us can’t really go too far away.
But what if you could? At least in your mind?

Positive psychology research shows that we derive as much benefit and “feel goods” from looking forward to our next holiday as we do actually going on it. And both of those are even better than looking back on our holiday memories? Isn’t that crazy?
So until you can travel again freely, why not travel in your mind…
What if you took 5 minutes to dream about a future holiday? Where will you go? What will you do? What will you most enjoy?

We’re trying to do this every day in some way, so we thought why not give you some fun options to start dreaming towards when all this crazy is over (or at least under some form of control).
Every week or so we’ll do a mini blog, a 5-minute “dream” to keep the adventures spirit alive in all of us.
With anything in our blog, please comment if you’ve been there & know other spots to visit, food to try, or if anything we share wasn’t as good as we remember it or has closed. Things change. Feel free to share this with friends if you think they need a 5 minute vacation from reality, too.
Stu & Angie

One Comment
Great idea for the five minutes! During the pandemic, I’ve been having very vivid recollections of certain places and adventures and meals, of course. Almost like I’m back there for a brief moment. It’s fun, and a bit challenging.